The Georgia Reptile Society: Our Mission
Our mission at the Georgia Reptile Society is to educate the state of Georgia about the wonderful world of reptiles through membership, outreach, and social media.
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A passion for reptiles
Many also do not understand the people who keep or breed reptiles; be it for a hobby or a business. People tend to stereotype those who keep reptiles as irresponsible thrill-seekers. This does not paint an accurate picture. Many reptile keepers are responsible people who have a passion for animals and enjoy keeping reptiles in order to better their lives. The Georgia Reptile Society is here to educate the public about reptile keepers and why they play an important role in the state, national, and global economies. We also want to educate new keepers about proper reptile care and maintenance. All reptile keepers - whether they are just getting into reptiles or they have been keeping reptiles for years - are encouraged to join the society to better their knowledge on reptile care, conservation, and education.
Start Small
Our children are our future. That's why the Georgia Reptile Society plans to aim many of its efforts towards educational experiences for children of all ages. We want them to know how important reptiles are to our ecosystems and how special they are. Some reptiles, just like dogs and cats, are even members of the family! If you are interested in having the Georgia Reptile Society visit your school or event, be sure to contact us.